Friday, June 17, 2011

Scorpio Chick

This is scorpio chick. I actually got bored of drawing scorpions(horoscoop). So i thought lets try to draw a chick is some kind of scorpio suit. What do you think.


Guys, this is Owen. One of the caracters i created. I was suppose to put him in a comic of mine, but i never got the right story. it was not good. its been a while since i made a comic. Kinda miss it, but school is more important. But well. Here are some fact about Owen. In the rawing u can see him scream. Thats because i designed him to not use his powers too often. When he would use them it would hurt alot. it would feel like the blades are cutting him and coming out. i was thinking of drawing some blood too.But if the blade comes out a couple of times i think there would come out any blood anymore. I also designed for him to have more blades come out, but i actually never got to drawing that. And he would use the other blades for really dire situations, cause of all the pain....

Monday, April 19, 2010

evil santa

What do you think of santa. Doesn't he look great. Yeah i know he looks a little bit evil. yes
but thats the idea actually , because bad santa really let me down. I expected a santa that would be evil. One that did develish stuff, but yeah. So i created one, Cool aint it.


This one is a super hero. Or actually maybe he could be a villian. I don't know. i haven't decided yet. I just created him. I had those people from jamaica in mind when i created him. You Know in a lot of horror movies they do a lot of voodoo stuff. There was a movie with steven seagal. n that movie the villian look a lot like Vudu.

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